Monday, January 26, 2009

A camping we will go...

I was cornered by the kids yesterday (the house was full again for the weekend). They all wanted to know what we were going to do since we would not be able to make it to Greenlake this year for the family camping (God willing we will be in Florida for Will's folks 50th). I told them that we would try to make it over to Greenlake another time, or possibly camp at Devil's lake before the Oakes Family Gathering this year. They were all fine with that too. They don't mind sleeping in tents as long as there is a "man tent" and the "girl tent". They are just too funny.

So as it stands right now, I will either be going to Green lake at a different time than the rest of the family, or I will be going to Devil's lake and possibly others from the family can come there. The kids just want to be together to explore. I look for the family time. It will be different.

I've been working on my cook book entitled Food, Family and Friends. I hope to finish that one pretty quick and get it up and running before Cranfest. The other books are still in the works. I have added a couple of chapters to 3 of them. I hope to at least get one done this year, to have at least one story finished and not rolling around in my head. It would be easier to accomplish if I could get back out on the route. That's where I write it in my head, then come home and type it out. Strange process, but it seems to be working. I know it's weird to write so many of them at once, but the ideas come to me and I have to get them down at least in part on paper.

If anyone has any recipes......send them to me. I'll be glad to put them in the family or friends category.

Have a great day.

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